Jesus is Greater Than Moses

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Because of this oath, Jesus has become the guarantor of a better covenant. (Hebrews 7:22)

The New Covenant effects our lives in a few ways.

  • It effects how we worship. Worship becomes more about our internal life rather than just our outward expression. It becomes a response to grace and not outward duty or “religion”. In Soul Keeping, John Ortberg stated:

Gordon MacDonald once wrote about how what he called the “sinkhole syndrome” happens in a human life. It may be triggered by a failure at work, a severed relationship, a harsh criticism from a parent, or for no apparent reason at all. But it feels like the earth has given way. It turns out, MacDonald wrote, that in a sense we have two worlds to manage: an outer world of career and possessions and social networks; and an inner world that is more spiritual in nature, where values are selected and character is formed- a place where worship and confession and humility can be practised.”

  • It effects how we make decisions. The love ethic of Jesus challenges us to fight against the corrosive force of sin, to go the extra mile, to love our enemies, and to give radically. The New Covenant leads us to go beyond the bare minimum of what we are expected to do, and into a limitless type of love (which comes from God) that is not about keeping track of someone else’s mistakes, or the blame/shame game. Relationships in the New Covenant are more like “love leading to more love”, rather than a pie being gone, once all of the pieces are eaten.

In Reunion, Bruxy Cavey stated:

“Grace means that we Christians are those peculiar people who gather together every Sunday morning to celebrate the fact that we don’t have to gather together every Sunday morning to be saved. We read the Bible regularly to be reminded of the good news that we don’t have to read the Bible regularly to be right with God. We sing songs of worship to express our adoration for the One who says we don’t have to sing, or pray, or meditate, or participate in any liturgy in order to be on God’s good side. Grace frees us up to celebrate God’s love because we are done trying to earn it.”

  • It effects how we read our own Bibles. We notice more in Scripture about how God is gracious when we mess up. We can see more clearly about how God doesn’t show up to condemn but rather, to correct and bless.

In Discernment, Henri Nouwen states:

Reading often means gathering information, acquiring new insight and knowledge, and mastering a new field. It can lead to degrees, diplomas, and certificates. Spiritual reading, however, is different. It means not simply reading about spiritual things but also reading about spiritual things in a spiritual way. That requires a willingness not just to read but to be read, not just to master but to be mastered by words. As long as we read the Bible or a spiritual book simply to acquire knowledge, our reading does not help us in our spiritual life.”

The New Covenant leads to relational Bible study that happens across different genders, income levels, ages/life stages, and races/cultures. These studies may take place outside, and not just in church buildings.

In Jesus Feminist, Sarah Bessey states:

“Let’s try to lay down our ideas, our neatly organized Bible verses, our carefully crafted arguments. Let’s take a break from sitting across from each other in this stuffy room. Let’s head outside. I want to sit around a fire pit ringed with stones and watch the moon move over the Pacific. I want us to drink good red wine, dig our toes into the cool sand, and wrap up in cozy sweaters. We’ll feel the cold of the evening steel across the water soon, and the mountains are resting with their hands folded.”

  • It effects how we see other people, when it comes to the church. All people are equal in Christ, despite their race, gender, and financial situation. Galatians 3:28 states:

“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

What are some other ways that the New Covenant effects our lives?

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